Bumper month of press coverage for iCarhireinsurance.com

Bumper month of press coverage for iCarhireinsurance.com with mentions in the Telegraph, Mirror, Mail on Sunday and two in the Sunday Times.

Ali Hussain used our You Gov research commissioned by iCarhireinsurance.com on the 7th July in the Sunday Times which found that more than one in five people (21%) have found damage on their hire car that was not highlighted on the checkout sheet and Holly Thomas mentioned us in her article on the 21st July.

Nick Trend, Telegraph, mentioned iCarhireinsurance.com in his article “50 ways to save money on your holiday”

Sally Hamilton, Mail on Sunday mentioned iCarhireinsurance.com in her article “Six top tips to tame your holiday costs”


Tricia Philips, Mirror  mentioned us in her article “Top 10 tips to save money”

Thank you everyone. We really appreciate the recommendations.

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